Colon Cancer Survival Rate

Learning about colon cancer survival rate helps a cancer patient better understand how likely it is that their treatment will be successful. Survival rates do not tell the whole story and do not determine how long a particular cancer patient will live. By observing the 5-year colon cancer survival rates, you will be looking at data that was captured within a 5-year range. Moreover, treatments now may have a better outlook than these numbers portray, since treatments are improving. These statistics observe cases of when the cancer was first diagnosed and does not record instances that the cancer reoccurred. According to the American Cancer Society, “The 5-year relative survival rates are estimates – your outlook can vary based on a number of factors specific to you.” The following statistics derive from The National Institute’s SEER Database.

Colon Cancer Survival Rate

The 5-year relative colon cancer survival rate for stage 1 is 92%. The 5-year relative colon cancer survival rate for stage IIA is 87% and stage IIB is 63%. The 5-year relative colon cancer survival rate for stage IIIA is 89%, stage IIIB is 69%, and stage IIIC is 53%. The 5-year relative colon cancer survival rate for stage IV is 11%.

Colon Cancer Survival Rate

Remember, there are still options for people that are in progressed cancer stages. Every day new treatments are coming out and options are increasing. Oncologic Advisors connects patients to these new treatments, such as cutting-edge clinical trials.  Navigational services, like Oncologic Advisors, can help patients decide on which treatment is best for their cancer type and stage.  By connecting you to the top treatment centers and doctors, Oncologic Advisors helps ensure you are increasing your chances for survival. We are professional and fast in our research, providing you with the best treatment options within a week.


What Are the Survival Rates for Colorectal Cancer, by Stage? (n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2017, from